Friday, October 03, 2008

Do ad hoc users get updates?

There has been a lot of confusion on whether the ad hoc users will get the updated version of Podcaster. Well I have good news. You DO get the updates.

Ad hoc users, if you go to and login. You will be presented with a download link and an activation code. Please use this link to download the latest version of Podcaster (verison 1.1.2 as of this post). You can update your existing version by dragging the files into itunes. Podcaster will continue to work until it expires in a little less then a year.

So you may be wondering how you can still use ad hoc installer even though Apple has stopped me from making provisions. Well, Apple blocked me from making future provisions. All existing provision will keep working and are unaffected.

I just want to remind users to rate the app and post a review. You can also subscribe to reviews via rss feed at

Any questions can be sent to our mailing-list group at


kenjacobsen said...

First I want to say a big THANK YOU for creating this! I was about to sell the free ipod Touch I got with my new MacBook, since I discovered to my amazement that it was completely useless for podcasts. This program means I can actually open the package and use the thing. I've been carrying my MacBook around from room to room to listen to streaming podcasts in the meantime.

Can you put up a link for where to go to make comments? This definitely needs to be better known and there's such a great selection! (I'd also love to kick Apple for making streaming podcasts an impossibility on the Touch, it's really outrageous.)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I was just curious if you think you've had a chance to look at porting Podcaster to Android? I would love to listen to podcasts on my Android phone..